Eat Paraguay Recipe: Paraguayan tortillas Romy Natalia Goldberg shares a family recipe for tortillas paraguayas.
Eat Libya Recipe: chraime Chef Shay Lavi shares his recipe for whitefish cooked in a spicy tomato sauce.
Know Detroit Bourdain, off the cuff: Detroit “Detroit has a reputation as a tough town, but that toughness is about resilience, too.”
Eat Masa's Japan Omicho Ichiba: Kanazawa’s Kitchen Kanazawa’s fish market has a long and storied history of construction and destruction. Japanese flock there today for its renowned seafood.
Know Miami ‘You always wish you had more time with Anthony’ Miami chef Michelle Bernstein on the city’s multicultural food scene, filming with Bourdain, and croquetas.
Know Congo 18 things to know before you go to eastern Congo Plan well, and don’t forget to try the fish, take a hike, and taste Congolese cheese and coffee.