
Bourdain’s Field Notes

Glasgow is one of my favorite cities on earth. I was going to say one of my favorite cities in Europe, but is Glasgow Europe? I don’t think so. It feels somehow older than that.

To many outsiders, Glasgow is seen as a hard-scrabble, even fearsome place, a place that history has moved on from. But there is definitely a sense here that something different is around the corner. There’s a terrific music scene in Glasgow. The pubs are among the finest anywhere. They say Glaswegians have more fun at a funeral than people in Edinburgh have at a wedding. That does invite, from time to time, a fair amount of knuckle-headed behavior. If you’re looking for a beer and a beating, Glasgow will happily provide it.

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“There’s a terrific music scene in Glasgow. The pubs are among the finest anywhere. They say Glaswegians have more fun at a funeral than people in Edinburgh have at a wedding.”


Sláinte: “For your health” in several Gaelic languages. Said as a toast or cheers.
Steamin’: Drunk.
Blether: A chat, a conversation
Happenin?: How are you doing? (Don’t pronounce the h.)

Know Before You Go

Eat smart. Glasgow’s city center is rife with the restaurant chains that dominate every high street (main street) and business district. When wandering Buchanan Street, Sauchiehall Street, and Merchant City, don’t expect to just stumble upon a gem.

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