Know Antarctica Bourdain’s field notes: Antarctica On celebrating the people still practicing a little thing called “science.”
Know Los Angeles Bourdain’s field notes: Los Angeles On the immigration debate, the complexity and sophistication of Mexican food, and Morrissey. (Really.)
Know Trinidad Bourdain’s field notes: Trinidad Bourdain finds an island of fantastic food and many cultures, but leaves wondering about the Trinidad he didn’t catch on camera.
Know Laos Bourdain’s field notes: Laos Discovering more about the history—and future—of a beautiful place where the detrimental effects of a largely unknown war are still being felt today.
Know San Sebastián Bourdain’s field notes: San Sebastián A place where it’s almost impossible to have a bad meal—and one of Bourdain’s favorite locations in the world.
Know Lyon Bourdain, off the cuff: Lyon “Lyon is a dark, tragic, beautiful, well-eating city, and everyone here knows that they have a really good life.”
Eat Masa's Japan Omicho Ichiba: Kanazawa’s Kitchen Kanazawa’s fish market has a long and storied history of construction and destruction. Japanese flock there today for its renowned seafood.
Know Miami Miami’s overlooked Overtown Pull off the highway to savor this neighborhood’s rich history.
Know Morocco Bourdain, off the cuff: Morocco “Tangier is Morocco, always was Morocco, and recently the country’s leadership seems to have embraced it in all its ill-reputed glory.”
Know Sicily Q&A with writer Mary Taylor Simeti On saying “no” to Mafia extortion payments and a reawakening of Sicilian pride.