New York Café

1073 Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 9-11
(+36) 1-8866-167

Bourdain ate: goose liver terrine, pork throttle stew.

Lunch date: Peter Zilahy, poet and performing artist.


1155 Budapest, Kolozsvár u. 48
(+36) 30-335-0300

Bourdain had: schnitzel with potato chips, beer, pancake covered with chicken liver and bone marrow sauce, venison stew.

Öreg Korössy Halászcsárda Restaurant

6723 Szeged, Sárga Üdülotelep 262
(+36) 62-495-481

Bourdain had: halászlé (Hungarian fisherman’s stew), bread, beer.

Lunch date: Vilmos Zsigmond, legendary cinematographer for films including McCabe & Mrs. Miller and The Long Goodbye.  

Belvárosi Disznótoros

1053 Budapest, Károlyi u. 17
(+36) 70 60 22 775

Bourdain had: blood sausage, braised red cabbage, pickles.

Lunch date: Daniel Maté, writer, economist, and Budapest butcher shop connoisseur.

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1137 Budapest, Szent István krt. 14
(+36) 329-23-40

A dinner made by a famous singer

Bourdain attended a meal with Robert Farkas, lead violinist of the band Budapest Bár and his wife, Andrea Gancs. Margit Bango prepared the food.

They ate: chicken paprikash, whole perch roasted in bacon, stuffed cabbage filled with goose meat and slow-cooked, goulash.

Dinner with the filmmakers

Bourdain attends another dinner with Zsigmond and screenwriter Richie Ram Walter, Walter’s wife, Maria, and daughter, Judith.