Go Vietnam 8 essential Vietnamese dishes From mì hoành thánh to bánh mì, these are the Vietnamese foods you need to know.
Eat Peru A History of Peru in 9 dishes From pre-Inca mud ovens to the experimental kitchens of modern-day Lima, these foods tell 8,000 years of history.
Eat Lower East Side A history of the Lower East Side in five dishes Eat your way through more than a century of New York history.
Eat Indonesia An illustrated guide to Indonesia’s Padang food Because you should know your rendang from your telor dadar padang.
Go Massachusetts The history of Massachusetts in 6 dishes From frappes to fluff, these are the essential Bay State treats.
Eat Tokyo A history of Tokyo in 8 dishes From the fishing village of Edo to the global leader in Michelin stars, eat your way through Tokyo’s past and future.
Eat Libya Recipe: chraime Chef Shay Lavi shares his recipe for whitefish cooked in a spicy tomato sauce.
Drink Detroit Little Mary’s River Inn The owners of this Detroit mainstay say it’s the “Black Cheers.”
Go Sicily The perfect day in Palermo With the mafia violence a thing of the past, fuel up on espresso and feast on all that Palermo has to offer.
Know Shanghai Bourdain’s field notes: Shanghai “China—Shanghai in particular—is a very different-looking place every time I go.”
Eat Paraguay Recipe: Paraguayan tortillas Romy Natalia Goldberg shares a family recipe for tortillas paraguayas.