The Parts Unknown crew—including guest director Asia Argento and guest cinematographer Christopher Doyle (!)—went to Hong Kong and documented the sweeping changes the city is undergoing. Here are a few highlights from their visit.

Instagram photo/video.

Tony and Christopher Doyle, bonding on set.

Instagram photo/video.

Director Asia Argento and Christopher, shooting at Chungking Mansions.

Instagram photo/video.

Tony and Asia spend an afternoon with Christopher and film producer Jenny Suen.

Instagram photo/video.

Hong Kong street fashion.

Instagram photo/video.

Hong Kong—where braised meat always prevails.

Instagram photo/video.

Out on the town with Christopher.

Instagram photo/video.

Hard-at-work or hardly working?

Exploring Tai O, which is home to a vibrant, close-knit community of fishermen who have built their houses on interconnected stilts.
Instagram photo/video.

Hangin’ in the tranquil Tai O Fishing Village.